Why acne and pimples are common in adolescence?

Acne is a skin condition which can occur to anyone at any age but it is seen most commonly in adolescence. There are tiny holes found in the skin form where the hair grows out are called hair follicles. When these hair follicles get blocked then problems like acne and pimples occur. There are small glands which are found near the surface of your skin which are called sebaceous glands. These glands are attached to the hair follicles and are responsible for lubricating the hair and skin by producing oily substances called sebum. Actually, due to many factors, these sebaceous glands start producing too much sebum and too much sebum block the hair follicles thus resulting in acne, it can also lead to outbreaks of lesions, commonly called pimples. 

The bacteria on the skin make the problem worse, it infects the clogged pores and causes a reaction within the body which leads to whiteheads, blackheads, etc. 

Common cause of acne and pimples in adolescence

Here are the most common cause why acne and pimples are common in adolescence

Common Cause Of Acne And Pimples In Adolescence

  1. Testosterone - Acne and Pimples commonly occur during adolescence because they are triggered by increased hormone levels called testosterone. The hormone plays an important role in stimulating the growth and testicles in boys and maintaining muscle and bone strength in girls. Glands produce much more sebum than the skin needs as the testosterone level increases.
  2. Stress - Stress doesn’t have a direct connection with acne. But if you already suffer from acne, stress can make it worse. According to data collected by the American Psychological Association In a vicious circle, stress, depression and other kinds of psychological problems can exacerbate skin problems. "The common dermatological issues that have been documented to be made worse by stress include acne, rosacea, psoriasis, itching, eczema, pain and hives, just to name a few," says Fried.
  3. Junk food -  During adolescence, we eat a lot of fast food. Fast food like pizza, chocolate, fried foods, etc all has a high glycemic index. A high Glycemic index is responsible for acne because it spikes the blood sugar in the human body which results in more sebum production. According to NCBIIn brief, one prospective cohort study found an association between high-glycemic-index foods and longer acne duration, whereas two randomised controlled trials associated low-glycemic-index diet with reduced acne risk ”
  4. Environmental irritants - such as pollution, high humidity, and dirt can also contribute to the problem and also worsen them. Teens spend most of their time out so they are more prone to acne because dirt and pollutants get clogged in the pores of the skin, and sweat due to humidity can let bacteria grow. Therefore clean your face at least 2 times a day and also wash your hair.
  5. Some daily habits and small factors which can make acne worse are given below are follows:
  • Pressure on skin from sports helmets, tight clothes, backpacks, etc.
  • Touching your face with dirty hands.
  • Using harsh products on your skin.
  • Scrubbing your skin roughly.
  • Heavy makeup and styling products block the pores of the skin and may cause an acne flare-up.

What Are The Different Types Of Acne?

  1. Blackheads: Open bumps on the skin clogged with excess oil and dead skin are called Blackheads. Light reflection off the clogged follicle can actually cause Dark spots. 
  2. Whiteheads: Whiteheads actually are the Bumps that get clogged by oil and dead skin.
  3. Papules: Small red or pink bumps that become inflamed due to excess oil or dead skin are called Papules.
  4. Pustules: Pustules are Pimples which contain pus in them and they cause scarring if they are not treated well or picked or scratched. They appear like whiteheads circled with a red ring. 
  5. Fungal acne (pityrosporum folliculitis): Fungal acne occurs on the skin when an excess of yeast develops in hair follicles and they can also become itchy and inflamed.
  6. Nodules: Nodules are solid pimples that are deep in your skin but are large and can be painful.
  7. Cysts: Cysts are pimples which are filled with pus and can cause scars. 

How to treat acne in adolescence?

To treat acne, here are some self-care treatments you can try at home to clear up your acne:

  1. Gently wash your face with a mild face wash two times each day (when you wake up and at bedtime) and after heavy sweating
  2. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals
  3. Look for products that are oil-free and non-comedogenic
  4. Stop touching skin that has acne or is prone to acne
  5. Stop eating food that is high in Glycemic index such as junk food, food that contains sugar, etc
  6. Use a anti acne cream that is Dermatologically tested, it will help you in acne pore reduction and help your skin heal fast


Acne and pimples are very common problems in adolescence. It is so much irritating and can also affect the self-esteem of a teen. As a teen, you should enjoy your life fully but also start caring for your health today only because you can avoid many problems by following a healthy routine. We have above fully explained Why acne and pimples are common in adolescence and how we can easily get rid of them. The doctor always says precaution is better than cure so we should also avoid the things given above that cause acne. Also, remember to use only 100 % natural products because they keep your skin healthy and nourished.