How to prevent hair fall in monsoon?

Monsoon comes as a big relief after the intense heat of the summer season. Rains bring back the natural beauty of the environment after washing off all the dust from the air. But along with it, it also brings sweat, humidity, and a sticky feeling. As the humidity in the air rises, you will find your hair greasy and dull, which can lead to dandruff and hair fall. If you do nothing, it can lead to a patchy scalp and weakened roots.

Hair is an important part of our physical appearance because it decides how we look. Many people dream of having healthy hair but due to a busy lifestyle, it is a bit difficult to care for it. During the monsoon hair also becomes more dull and weak, so they need extra care and attention. 

Are you confused? What not to follow and what to follow? How to prevent hair fall in monsoon? Don’t worry in this article, we will take you through the causes of hair fall during the rainy season and tips to prevent hair fall during monsoon. So now, Say goodbye to hair fall and hello to pleasant rainy days!

Causes of Hair Fall in Monsoon

During the monsoon, it is said that hair fall increases by almost 30% due to the elevated amount of moisture in the air. The moisture causes the hair to absorb the extra hydrogen present in the air. Due to it, hair gets swell and becomes weaker. Deprivation of scalp natural oil due to humidity can also result in dry scalp and weaker roots. Once your hair starts to get tangled, the humid air coupled with the reduced follicle strength can create an environment for hair loss. The dampness also creates an environment for the growth of bacteria and fungal infection, this all can lead to problems like itchiness, redness, etc.

Below are some other reasons behind hair fall in monsoon-

  1. Genetical: Genetical hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss. In this hair follicles (what each hair grows out of) shrink and eventually stop growing hair due to the inherited genes. Shrinking of the hair follicles can begin as early as your teens, but it usually starts later in life. 
  2. Acid rain: The first rain during the monsoon is considered to be acid rain or if it has rained after a long gap. The chemicals suspended by the rain can damage your hair and lead to hair fall.
  3. Hair dryer: During the monsoon, the hair gets wet too often and using a  dryer too often or in the wrong way for drying your wet hair can also lead to hair loss.
  4. Nutrition Deficiency: The monsoon also brings with it lots of bacteria which can lead to common health issues such as fever, stomach upset, sore throat etc which can reduce your intake of nutrient absorption that is required for healthy hair growth

How to Know your Hair Type

Hair is an important part of our physical appearance because it decides how we look. As said before, During the monsoon hair becomes more dull and weak due to the mixture of dirt, bacteria etc. so they need extra care and attention. Many people dream of having healthy hair but due to a busy lifestyle, it is a bit difficult to care for it

Don’t worry, we will help you to prevent hair fall during the monsoon. But before following any type of tips and products, your primary step should be to find out your hair type. There are three types of hair- Oily hair, Dry hair and normal hair, it all depends on the texture, quality and feel of the hair. So read on to know which category your hair type falls under.

Oily hair 

There is a relation between skin and hair. So if you have oily skin chances are that your hair is also oily because the sebaceous glands are responsible for producing oils.  

How to tell if you have oily hair?

- Your hair looks lifeless and dull

- After shampooing within a day your hair becomes greasy

- You witness a lot of hair fall

Dry hair

Dry hair is also the most common hair type. As said before, Sebaceous glands are what usually leads to the production of oil. So if you have dry skin chances are you most likely will have dry hair 

How to tell if you have dry hair?

- You have frizzy hair 

- You have split ends in an excessive amount 

- Your hair is extremely rough and breaks very easily

Normal hair

Normal hair is the most uncommon hair type because having normal hair means the pH balance of your scalp is normal with a shine. Sebaceous glands also produce the right amount of oil.

How to tell if you have normal hair?

- You have little to no split ends 

- Your scalp does not become oily fast

- Your hair is not fizzy 

How to prevent hair fall in monsoon

Now you know what causes hair to fall in the monsoon and your hair type. We know,  some of you don’t have time to take care of your hair. But below are some simple tips which you can add to your routine to stop hair fall. 

Tips for Oily Hair-

  1. Using 100% natural shampoo daily will remove all the dirt and grease from the hair and will also help to nourish your hair.
  2. Dry your hair with a microfiber towel because it absorbs the water quickly. It also causes minimum friction between your hair and the towel to reduce hair fall.
  3. Apply conditioner a few times a week to your hair because it moisturises your hair, keeps the hair strands healthy, prevents breakage, and tangled locks. It also helps to prevent glands from secreting too much sebum.
  4. Oiling your hair once per week helps to unclog the pores and prevent dandruff. Remember to avoid oiling your hair too much and take a bath after 30 minutes of applying the oil. Read our article to know more about how often should we oil our hair.

Tips for Dry Hair

  1. Using 100% natural shampoo 4 times a week will remove all the dirt and grease from the hair. It will also help to nourish your hair.
  2. Dry your hair with a microfiber towel because it absorbs the water quickly. It also causes minimum friction between your hair and the towel to reduce hair fall.
  3. Apply conditioner 4 times a week to your hair after shampooing your hair because it moisturises your hair, keeps the hair strands healthy, prevents breakage, and tangled locks.
  4. Oiling your hair every day helps to unclog the pores, prevent dandruff and nourish your scalp. You can leave the scalp overnight or for 1-2 hours after applying the oil to the hair.

Tips for Normal Hair

  1. Using 100% natural shampoo 3 times a week will remove all the dirt and grease from the hair. It also helps to nourish your hair.
  2. Dry your hair with a microfiber towel because it absorbs the water quickly. It also causes minimum friction between your hair and the towel to reduce hair fall.
  3. Apply conditioner 3 times a week to your hair after shampooing your hair because it moisturises your hair, keeps the hair strands healthy, prevents breakage, and tangled locks.
  4. Oiling your hair once or twice a week will help to unclog the pores, prevent dandruff and nourish your scalp. You can leave the scalp at least 30 minutes after applying the oil to the hair.

Recommended Hair Diet for you

In addition to following the tips, you should also improve your diet because deficiency of essential micronutrients can also lead to excessive hair loss and dandruff. So you must have a nutritious diet to improve your lifestyle. Read our article which vitamin deficiency causes dandruff to know more about hair diet.

  1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables like green vegetables, beetroot, pomegranate and almonds because these are rich in important nutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamins etc that reduce hair fall.
  2. Eating protein-rich products helps to prevent hair falls. So add products like soybean, egg, yoghurt, milk & milk products and salmon to your diet.
  3. You should also drink 8-10 glasses of water per day because water washes away toxins from your body.
  4. Avoid eating junk food like cakes, pizzas, burgers and pastries as they lead to hair thinning.


So now you know why hair fall occurs in monsoon, what tips to follow and how to improve your diet. Always remember that health is wealth, so take some time from your busy schedule and take care of your body. In addition to taking a good quality diet, you should also use good quality products which are chemical free and fully nourish your body. 

“ Enjoy your monsoon by sipping hot coffee while sitting on the balcony. 

Eat healthily and stay healthy!!”